Leveling Up

Among all of this fear and separation the we see in the world, I some how I managed to make it out alive! Not only did I make it out alive but I made it out even better and never really actually got trapped in the first place (I think that's key). I owe this all to my perspective on life,  that I've always had. See contrary to belief, my life has never been "perfect" (whatever that even means) Haha. I grew up in what you would call a stereotypical minority household. As in, my mother was a single parent of 3 and we were broke. So it's safe to say, life was not easy all the time, which meant I had to look at life in a different way to remain happy. That perspective is that the universe/god has our best interest ALWAYS. Even when you are going through something that may seam so dark that, there can't possibly be any good there. The universe (or whoever you believe in) gives us what we like to call "challenges" in order to aid in our unfoldment.  These will show up to nudge us into the direction of our true nature, purpose, expand consciousness, or widen our comfort zone.

When Covid-19 hit I was on Unemployment and feeling a little uninspired. However, I knew that I had to do 2 things; something to make money and something that make me happy. Knowing that after covid nothing would be the same,  I knew this would be a great time create my best self and life; because from nothing....anything is possible. After finding out about the passing of my uncle,  it hit me like a ton of bricks. I started to see things in a different light, I suddenly could feel his energy saying his goodbyes. Then the next day, I suddenly found the inspiration to make this life my best life; because who knows if I'm going to choose to come back again. 😆 So I said, "Fuck that! I am going to choose me.....TODAY" I had started my spiritual journey already and was putting in a lot of reading but was not living by my creed. I was holding myself back, and I didn't have a good reason for it. So I went vegan, dived into shadow work, meditation and entrepreneurship from one moment to the next. I knew I had more to give then just being in an office all day.  

The deeper I got into my spirituality, the less I seamed to know about anything. I started to question beliefs about myself and my life. The closer I got to spirit the clearer my life purpose seamed to become. Fast forward to today, I manifested 60k followers on Tiktok, which in tern has helped me launch my business, I work for myself, and make art that makes me happy all day. If the universe isn't already nice enough, it blessed me with not just "tiktok followers" but an actual community of people who I love dearly and who genuinely want love, peace, and abundance for all. Raising the vibration of the planet has become my number one goal and will continue to be so. After all this, I was pushed once AGAIN out my comfort zone. This time the Universe sent that nudge in the form of another conscious creator who I connected with. He (@MysticSpiderman on Tiktok) creates the space for his patreon subscribers to host meditations in the mornings. This was something I had in mind, but was holding off on, once again due to my own fears of not being enough. I sat with spirit and realized this was just "imposter syndrome". I realized I had to stop waiting for the right time, or the right set of refined skills, or the right amount of followers. Finding and rediscovering myself was going to be a life long journey but my goals shouldn't have to be. Every time you choose to do something that scares you, challenges you, or makes you go out of your comfort zone you level up to a new better you. A more experienced and wise human being because of it. After that level has been achieved comes another, and another so we might as well make the best lemonade possible. That's a saying right? 

I tell you this story in hopes that it will inspire you to step into your power and take life by the horns. I hope it inspires you to never give up, to believe in yourself, and not wait around for someone else's approval. Do what makes you happy and be you, because your uniqueness is what makes life beautiful. Most importantly show yourself some love for leveling up at any point in your life, because you made it! We are here today and that is amazing! Much love.

