Transmutation of Energy
We all know letting go of our bullsh*t does something major, that can be felt on both a physical and emotional level. Then there are other times, when you think that you have let it go but it still manages to show up again to kick you in the ass. The difference is the choice of the individual, on which direction to transmute the energy. Regardless of what you choose, a transmutation of energy will happen because thats what you (we) do in the Universe. 😉 What I mean by this is that, we are constantly, at every single second of each day, transmuting one energy to another. We are like these antennas with current running through us always, and with this comes some responsibility.
Ok so I'm not saying to put the weight of the world on your shoulders, however you do have a responsibility to yourself. To live each moment in the present, and nurture the relationship with yourself. You are your soulmate, the longest relationship you will ever experience. So might as well make that a loving, compassionate relationship rather than a toxic ex in your head all day, you feel me? Doing so will help to shift the energy you are putting out, beacause what you put out is what is in your head, and that energy becomes your reality reflected back by the Universe. According to quatum physics this is the law of how energy works in the universe. Basically, you have an effect on everything and everyone around you.
There are 12 laws of the Universe, and one of those laws is 'The Law of Prepetual Transmutation of Energy'. This law says every living thing constantly transmutes one thing into another. Take for example a plant; this plant absorbes the sunlight and transmutes it into the nutrients it needs to live. And so, just like the plant we too are transmuting energy all day. Since thoughts ARE energy, then these thoughts are what is setting the tone for this transmutation. When you feed thoughts of lack, guilt, shame, worry, debt, you begin to create a belief. That belief then causes symptoms like depression, anxiety and procrastination. Now I have good news and bad news... bad news is you cant destroy the energy (thought) but the good thing is you can absolutely change it! Albert Einstein says, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another." So if this is true in the Universe, then we have a chance at changing these seemingly 'negative' thoughts/energies.
Not to be mistaken with transformation. Transformation is for example; when you transform a room in your house, you paint walls, let go of old things and get new decor, maybe even tear down a wall, but the foundation stays the same. Now, transmutation is when something is made completely new, everything is shifted (even it's origin) into a completely different vibration. So, how do I transmute my energies into 'positive' ones? I'm glad you asked. First, I believe we should practice awareness (meditaton, breathwork, etc.) This will help you to become aware of the smaller (yet very important) things. Important things like the following; actions, words, and thoughts. These 3 things must be aligned with what we are trying to manifest, whether that be peace, love, a new business/project or even losing a few pounds. Action: are we eating healthy foods to aid our weightloss journey? Or too afraid to spend money, from fear it won't return? Words: Are we complaining about not having time or money for that business? Thoughts: do we keep changing our mind about what we want? Or not believe we deserve it?
Well, if our actions, words, and thoughts do not align then, Houston we got a problem, lol. When we consciously shift these things into alignment, then the energies of actions, words, and thoughts will become the foundation of how you transmute energy all day. Since you will be transmuting energy that aligns, that means the universe will reflect back that same enrgy. You will start to notice things happening in your favor and that is connected to the law of attraction (another one of the 12 Laws of the Universe). So, remember you are a walking antenna... haha! Really though; you divine soul are both the observer and the creator of your reality. Let's make is an awesome one! 😉